One can, in general use either of the following two programs:
Finally, a further degree of freedom is that either postgresql or postgresql@12-main may be used (if one knows the version of PostgreSQL and the name of the cluster — in the above example 12 and main respectively).
As a result all of the following commands to start/stop or get the status of a locally running PostgreSQL cluster (database server) are valid:
$ systemctl [ start/stop/status ] [ postgresql/postgresql.service/postgresql@12-main/postgresql@12-main.service ] $ sudo service [ postgresql/postgresql@12-main ] [ start/stop/status ]
In February 2025 I was able to restore a binary dump taken from a PostgreSQL 15 database into a PostgreSQL 12 database. The script had further customizations and did not restore all tables present in the original dump. The script is available at: ~/repos/prj/cognitera-iacs/iacs-ui.24.cognitor.COGNITERA/database/
$ pg_restore -l eae.pg_dump | head -n 10 ; ; Archive created at 2025-01-28 18:30:01 EET ; dbname: core ; TOC Entries: 12325 ; Compression: -1 ; Dump Version: 1.14-0 ; Format: CUSTOM ; Integer: 4 bytes ; Offset: 8 bytes ; Dumped from database version: 15.7
psql -l
I simply connected using the psql program as user postgres:
$ ./… and then issued the following command:
postgres=# \password postgres
… full interaction from the command line shown in the below figure:
I have no explanation as to why I was not prompted for a password on the first step when I launched the psql program.
To find the hostname and port all I had to do, in my local installation at least, was connect as user postgres:
psql postgres… and then run the \conninfo command:
I used the procedure outlined below to move the data directory of my PostgreSQL 12 installation (on my ThinkStation P320 machine running Ubuntu 20.04) to a second, much larger, disk as I needed to import a huge (~100GB) binary dump of some PostgreSQL database that wasn't going to fit in the current location of the data directory. The below procedure of course only relates the data directory migration part, not the importation part (which I fear will be a separate ordeal). In the procedure detailed below, I basically followed the instructions I found here (archived locally here ). The instructions were almost entiery accurate with three notable exceptions:
The steps I followed were:
pgsql postgresand then execute the following commands:
systemctl stop postgresql
mkdir /media/hddb/postgresql-12-data sudo chown postgres:postgres /media/hddb/postgresql-12-data sudo chmod 700 /media/hddb/postgresql-12-data/ rsync -av /var/lib/postgresql/12/main/ /media/hddb/postgresql-12-data/
rsync -av /var/lib/postgresql/12/main/ /media/hddb/postgresql-12-data/
$ cat /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf | grep -i data_directory | grep -v ^# data_directory = '/media/hddb/postgresql-12-data'NB: the single quotes were actually entered in the config file — I am not 100% certain they were essential.
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start postgresql.service systemctl status postgresql.serviceNB: the first command (systemctl daemon-reload) needs to be executed every time the configuration file changes so it's essential (merely stopping and restarting the cluster won't cut it).
I tried to connect over DBeaver with an existing user and password and got:
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "mperdikeas", database "test", SSL on
After investigation and reading this SO answer I got it to work after adding the following line on my /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf file:
host all mperdikeas md5
NB: It is important to use the /32 notation. Simply writing fails with the hardly elucidating message: Connection refused (Connection refused)
No changes were necessary in the sibling file /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf IIRC
Following the above one, obviously, has to restart PostgreSQL:
service postgresql restart
I created a number of directories using:
mkdir ~/postgresql-tblspaces && cd ~/postgresql-tblspaces mkdir userspay2019 && chown -R postgres:postgres *… while at the same time creating the tablespaces from inside psql:
psql -U postgres CREATE TABLESPACE userspay2019 LOCATION '/home/mperdikeas/postgresql-tblspaces/userspay2019';
postgres=# show data_directory; data_directory ----------------------------- /var/lib/postgresql/12/main (1 row)
postgres=# show config_file; config_file ----------------------------------------- /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf (1 row)
$ sudo apt remove --purge postgresql $ sudo apt remove --purge postgresql-12*
$ sudo apt install postgis postgresql-12-postgis-3 $ sudo apt install postgresql-12
At this point you want to take advantage of the initial, default peer authentication mode to change the PostgreSQL password for the PostgreSQL user postgres. This will come into play later when you change the authentication mode for the postgres user (and any other user for that matter) from peer to md5:
$ sudo -i -u postgres psql postgres psql (12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-2.pgdg20.04+1)) Type "help" for help. + postgres=# \password postgres Enter new password: Enter it again:
Note that (according to my understanding) the above only affects the PostgreSQL user postgres, not the Unix user postgres. The latter in fact exists as can be verified by:
$ cat /etc/passwd | grep -i postgres | wc -l 1… but the account is "locked" (and you want to keep it locked as advised in this SO answer. The locked status can be verified by (source):
$ sudo passwd --status postgres postgres L 05/26/2021 0 99999 7 -1
In general, you don't want to do anything with the UNIX user postgres and you
DEFINITELY don't want to set a password for that user (as that would unlock the account) by doing a:
DANGER: do not do the below:
$ sudo passwd postgresYou can read more in this SO answer.
In the same vein you might also want to create an actual user (not postgres) while the peer authentication mode is still applicable:
$ sudo -i -u postgres createuser --interactive johndoe $ sudo -i -u postgres psql psql (12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-2.pgdg20.04+1)) Type "help" for help. postgres=# ALTER USER johndoe WITH PASSWORD 'super.secret'; ALTER ROLE
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c 'create database acmeindustries'; CREATE DATABASE
$ cp /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf.ORIGINAL $ cp /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf.ORIGINAL
In file pg_hba.conf change the following line:
local all postgres peerto:
local all postgres md5
In the same file, I have also done the following changes but I don't know how essential they are: Change the following line:
host all all md5to:
host all all md5… and also comment out the replication lines at the end of the file (since I don't believe I am using this feature)
Now is a good time to create file ~/.pgpass to make connecting to the database easier. Typical contents:
$ cat ~/.pgpass localhost:5432:postgres:postgres:super.secret localhost:5432:acmeindustries:johndoe:duper.secret
You might also want to create the ~/.psqlrc file but this is less useful (and might even be confusing at times if you are not aware of its existence):
$ cat ~/.psqlrc \set ON_ERROR_STOP on
To do that you have to edit the postgresql.conf file and change the listen_addresses setting. Typical value to instruct your machine (assuming your IP is to listen to the external NIC and not just to the local loopback:
listen_addresses = 'localhost,'
At this point, you might also want to change the port setting to a value other than the default of 5432. This might be necessary if another PostgreSQL cluster (e.g. some previous version, say PostgreSQL 9) is also running on the same machine.
I also have found it necessary at times, e.g. when using migration tools to increase the value of max_locks_per_transaction to 1024.
Tried that on PostgreSQL 12.9:
so answer
Text dump:
pg_dump -U mperdikeas -h -p 5432 -Fp dbname > /path/to/dump.txt
Binary dump:
pg_dump -U mperdikeas -h -p 5432 -Fc dbname > /path/to/dump.bin
NB: the database dbname needs to exist before running the command given below:
pg_restore -d dbname -U mperdikeas -h localhost /path/to/file.dump
SELECT current_database();
\d+ tablename
I followed the instructions from here
sudo apt update sudo apt install postgis postgresql-12-postgis-3
… subsequently, I connected to the database I wanted to create the extension in with, e.g.:
psql -U mperdikeas -d acme_industries
… and then created the extension there with:
So, apparently, the PostGIS extension is not installed on the PostgreSQL cluster as a whole, but on each particular database. This means that the extension has to be re-created whenever the database is dropped. Finally, I verified that the extension is now available with:
SELECT PostGIS_version();
I followed the instructions from here and asked, specifically, for PostgreSQL 12 to be installed on the last step:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-12
I then verified that PostgreSQL was running by doing a:
/etc/init.d/postgresql status
Since the above does not report the version of PostgreSQL, I confirmed that it is PostgreSQL 12 that is running by doing a:
pgrep -u postgres -fa -- -D
Subsequently, to connect to PostgreSQL, I had to edit the file /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf. This controls the client authentication mechanisms and allows client-side tools (which use Unix Domain sockets) to connect to the database server. To that end, I was guided, more or less by this previous note
Namely, since I had forgotten, or wasn't able to use, the default PostgreSQL password I initially changed the local authentication mode to 'trust'. I.e. I changed the line:
local all postgres peerto:
local all all trustor (I am not really sure, but I dont think it makes much difference) to:
local all postgres trustNB: after each modification of the pg_hba.conf or postgresql.conf files you have to do a:
/etc/init.d/postgresql restart… for the changes to take effect. This allowed me to change the postgres user password to:
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'supersecret';(mind the ; at the end — it is important) Following that, I changed the authentication method for both local (i.e. Unix Domain sockets) and host (i.e. TCP/IP sockets) to md5:
local all all md5 host all all md5The means that the server is accepting connections from all IPv4 address in the local subnet. There are much more permissive wildcards one can use, including any IP address on the Internet.
However, following the above, I was still unable to connect to PostgreSQL from another machine (even though I had set host authentication to md5. Moreover, when trying to connect from other machines I was getting connection refused (or something).
To fix that I had to instruct PostgreSQL to listen on the network card interface as well and not just on the localhost loop (which is the initial configuration for obvious security reasons). To do that I edited file /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf and change the line
#listen_addresses = 'localhost'to:
listen_addresses = 'localhost,'After that I was able to connect remotely as well.
initial files:
modified files:
PostgreSQL allows one to authenticate using two mechanisms:
sudo passwd --lock postgres… and subsequently verified that the postgres UNIX account is indeed locked by doing:
$ sudo cat /etc/shadow | grep -i postgres postgres:!*:17117:0:99999:7::: $ sudo passwd -S postgres postgres L 11/12/2016 0 99999 7 -1You may read more here.
update 2021-12-15 An easier way to check for the locked status of an account is offered here.
I then changed the password of the TCP user postgres by doing:
$ sudo -i -u postgres psql postgres psql (9.5.19) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \password postgres Enter new password: Enter it again:
Finally, I created a new TCP user mperdikeas and set his password:
$ sudo -i -u postgres createuser --interactive mperdikeas Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n $ sudo -i -u postgres psql psql (9.5.19) Type "help" for help. postgres=# ALTER USER mperdikeas WITH PASSWORD '<redacted>'; ALTER ROLE postgres=# \q
You will notice that for all administrative commands we are using the UNIX user postgres
NB: be sure to set the authentication method to 'md5' in the following file:
/etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf(allowed values are trust, peer and md5)
Today I implemented the following SSCCE to dig recursive WITH queries:
Let's first define a simple schema to represent trees so we can motivate
a use case of recursive queries.
We can imagine having two tables to represent two kinds of nodes:
A possible approach would be the following:
One can imagine the above schema to be populated with the below test data:
INSERT INTO node VALUES (1, NULL), (2, NULL), (3, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (4, 2), (6, 2); INSERT INTO leaf(leafName, underNode) VALUES ('leaf under 1', 1), ('leaf under 2', 2), ('leaf under 3', 3), ('leaf under 5', 5), ('leaf under 7', 7);
Given the above, the following query fetches the names of all leaves hanging under the 'subtree' of node with key #1:
… and the following query fetches all leaves that live under the 'subtrees' of all nodes who are children of the root of the tree (therefore, effectively fetches all leaves in the tree):
./postgres-9.4.5/bin/postgres -D ./postgres-9.4.5/data/The main problem that there was no superuser which I could use to connect to the PostgreSQL cluster (using psql) and from there on to create my own project-specific database and user.
createuser --interactive postgres
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all trust # IPv4 local connections: host all all md5 # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 md5
$ which psql ~/postgres9/bin/psql rawdar@radacerd:~# $ psql -U postgres psql (9.4.5) Type "help" for help. postgres=# alter user postgres password 'secret';
#tcp_keepalives_idle = 0 # TCP_KEEPIDLE, in seconds; # 0 selects the system default tcp_keepalives_idle = 200 # TCP_KEEPIDLE, in seconds; #tcp_keepalives_interval = 0 # TCP_KEEPINTVL, in seconds; # 0 selects the system default tcp_keepalives_interval = 30 # TCP_KEEPINTVL, in seconds; #tcp_keepalives_count = 0 # TCP_KEEPCNT; # 0 selects the system default tcp_keepalives_count = 10 # TCP_KEEPCNT; this file: /postgresDB/data-9.1.14/postgresql.conf at the new EuroVO registry PostgreSQL cluster.
select pg_terminate_backend(procpid) from pg_stat_activity where usename = 'yourusername' and current_query = '<IDLE>' and query_start < current_timestamp - interval '5 minutes' ;source
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY total_time DESC
sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo apt-get install python-dev libpq-dev libevent-dev sudo pip install pgcli
SELECT DISTINCT CAST (XPATH('@status',XMLPARSE(CONTENT "content")) AS VARCHAR), isdeleted FROM vo_business.hosted_record_version
sudo chown postgres /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key sudo chown postgres /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
sudo emacs -nw /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.listInsert the following line:
deb trusty-pgdg main
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3 pgadmin3
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;Cancel the backend process (gentle):
SELECT pg_cancel_backend(… if the above doesn't work (it didn't in my case), try the more forceful:);
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(source);
sudo cat /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf | grep log_directory
SELECT DISTINCT ivoid, CAST(xpath('//*[local-name()=''capability'' and @xsi:type=''ssa:SimpleSpectralAccess'']/*[local-name()=''testQuery'']' , content, ARRAY[ARRAY['xsi', '']]) AS VARCHAR) FROM rr.resourcecontent WHERE CAST(xpath('//*[local-name()=''capability'' and @xsi:type=''ssa:SimpleSpectralAccess'']/*[local-name()=''testQuery'']' , content, ARRAY[ARRAY['xsi', '']]) AS VARCHAR)!='{}'
SELECT CAST(xpath('//*[local-name()=''capability'' and (@standardID=''ivo://'' or @standardID=''ivo://'')]/@standardID' , content) AS VARCHAR), count(*) FROM someschema.sometable GROUP BY CAST(xpath('//*[local-name()=''capability'' and (@standardID=''ivo://'' or @standardID=''ivo://'')]/@standardID' , content) AS VARCHAR)
psql -d RegTAP -t -A -F"," -c "SELECT pregraft FROM vo_business.harvest_record WHERE recordivoid='ivo://irsa.ipac/Spitzer/Images/SINGS'" > pregraft
SELECT ivoidlowercase, xpath('@xsi:type', content, ARRAY[ARRAY['xsi', '']]) FROM rr.resourcecontent WHERE lower(CAST (xpath('@xsi:type', content, ARRAY[ARRAY['xsi', '']]) AS VARCHAR)) LIKE '%vs:dataservice%'
$ sudo cat /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf | grep -v ^# | uniq local all postgres trust local all all trust host all all md5 host all all ::1/128 md5
-- order by x means "order by x rows between unbounded preceding and current row select x, array_agg(x) over (rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from generate_series(1, 10) AS t(x) select x, array_agg(x) over (order by x rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from generate_series(1, 10) AS t(x) select x, array_agg(x) over (order by x) from generate_series(1, 10) AS t(x) select foo.*, first_value(i) over (partition by a order by i desc) from foo select foo.*, lag(i) over (partition by a order by i asc) from foo select foo.*, lag(i, 2) over (partition by a order by i asc) from foo select foo.*, lag(i, 2, -1) over (partition by a order by i asc) from foo select x, array_agg(x) over (rows between current row and unbounded following) from generate_series(1, 10) AS t(x) select x, array_agg(x) over () from generate_series(1, 10) AS t(x) select x, array_agg(x) over (order by x) from generate_series(1, 10) AS t(x) CREATE TABLE employee_salary(employee VARCHAR, department VARCHAR, salary INTEGER); INSERT INTO employee_salary VALUES ('mike', 'sales', 90000), ('john', 'sales', 130000), ('paul', 'sales', 70000), ('anna', 'dev' , 20000), ('peter','dev' , 50000) SELECT employee, salary, department, round(AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department),0) AS average_dept_salary, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary DESC) AS salary_rank, lead(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary ASC) AS next_higher, lag (salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary ASC) AS prev_lower, first_value(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary ASC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS lowest_salary_in_department, last_value (salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary ASC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS highest_salary_in_department FROM employee_salary
sudo apt-cache search postgresql-server-dev sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-9.1Now, pg_config is installed and its location can be got with:
which pg_config(we use that location below)
tar xvfz pgsphere-1.1.1.tar.gz cd pgsphere-1.1.1/
make USE_PGXS=1 PG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pg_config sudo make USE_PGXS=1 PG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pg_config install
Makefile:29: ../../src/ No such file or directory Makefile:30: /contrib/ No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `/contrib/'. Stop.... but the installation was successful nonetheless because I was able to execute the last step as advised in "2.3. Creating a database with pgSphere" of the installation instructions linked above with:
psql -U postgres -d RegTAP -f ./pg_sphere.sql
SELECT emp_name, salary, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) AS sal_pos FROM test_curation.employee ORDER BY sal_pos ASC(contrast the results, with those one gets when using ROW_NUMBER() instead of RANK) This can allow us to obtain the three highest paid employees, where using the simpler LIMIT clause of PostgreSQL would fail because of the tie on the third rank (Elizabeth and Flora). The below simple approach shows only one of the two employees with a salary of 4:
SELECT emp_name, salary FROM test_curation.employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 3... whereas using the window function RANK() one is able to get both of them:
SELECT x.* FROM ( SELECT emp_name, salary, rank() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) AS sal_pos FROM test_curation.employee ORDER BY sal_pos ASC) x WHERE x.sal_pos<=3
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_curation.employee; CREATE TABLE test_curation.employee ( department VARCHAR, emp_name VARCHAR, salary INTEGER); INSERT INTO test_curation.employee(department, emp_name, salary) VALUES ('SALES', 'MIKE', 3); INSERT INTO test_curation.employee(department, emp_name, salary) VALUES ('SALES', 'MARJORIE', 5); INSERT INTO test_curation.employee(department, emp_name, salary) VALUES ('SALES', 'ELIZABETH', 4); INSERT INTO test_curation.employee(department, emp_name, salary) VALUES ('SALES', 'FLORA', 4); INSERT INTO test_curation.employee(department, emp_name, salary) VALUES ('DEV', 'THOMAS', 10); INSERT INTO test_curation.employee(department, emp_name, salary) VALUES ('DEV', 'GEORGE', 2); INSERT INTO test_curation.employee(department, emp_name, salary) VALUES ('DEV', 'MENELAUS', 1); -- simple example to demonstrate the use of the window function AVG SELECT department, emp_name, AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department), rank() OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary DESC) FROM test_curation.employee; -- using the window function rank, observe that both Elizabeth and Flora appear as rank() assigns the same number -- in case of ties SELECT department, emp_name, salary, avg FROM (SELECT department, emp_name, salary, AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department), rank() OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary DESC) FROM test_curation.employee) r WHERE rank<=2; -- rank() assigns the same number in case of ties() and also leaves gaps right after a tie: SELECT department, emp_name, salary, avg FROM (SELECT department, emp_name, salary, AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department), rank() OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary DESC) FROM test_curation.employee) r WHERE rank=3; -- row_number() always assigns different numbers and in case of a tie one row is chosen based on some arbitrary criterion (e.g. actual order fetched maybe?) SELECT department, emp_name, salary, avg FROM (SELECT department, emp_name, salary, AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department), row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary DESC) FROM test_curation.employee) r WHERE row_number<=2;
CREATE TABLE A (A1 INTEGER, A2 INTEGER, A3 INTEGER); INSERT INTO A(A1, A2, A3) VALUES (1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO A(A1, A2, A3) VALUES (2, 1, 1); INSERT INTO A(A1, A2, A3) VALUES (2, 1, 2); INSERT INTO A(A1, A2, A3) VALUES (3, 1, 2); INSERT INTO A(A1, A2, A3) VALUES (2, 1, 2); INSERT INTO A(A1, A2, A3) VALUES (4, 1, 2); INSERT INTO A(A1, A2, A3) VALUES (4, 1, 5); INSERT INTO A(A1, A2, A3) VALUES (3, 1, 5);The following obtains minimum a1 values for every combination of a2 and a3:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (a2, a3) a2, a3, a1 FROM A ORDER BY a2, a3, a1
SELECT DISTINCT ON (a2, a3) a2, a3, a1 FROM A ORDER BY a2, a3, a1 DESC
dropdb <database name>
psql -U postgres postgres -f <file with the above script>
SELECT ( CAST (xpath('/*/@xsi:type', content, array[array['xsi', '']]) AS TEXT[]))[1] from rr.resourcecontent
SELECT ( CAST (xpath('/ri:Resource/@xsi:type', content, array[array['xsi', ''], array['ri', '']]) AS TEXT[]))[1] from rr.resourcecontent
SELECT ( CAST (xpath('/*/identifier', content) AS TEXT[]))[1] from rr.resourcecontent
select 'a' = ANY ('{a , b}'::varchar[])
select count(*) from rr.resourcecontent where cast (xpath('/*/capability/@standardID', content) as text[])='{ivo://}'- or - (to allow use of PostgreSQL trim function - but only if only one item is returned):
select count(*) from rr.resourcecontent where trim( cast (xpath('/*/capability/@standardID', content) as text))='{ivo://}'- or - (if an array of values may be returned by the XPath expression):
select count(*) from rr.resourcecontent where 'ivo://' = ANY (cast (xpath('/*/capability/@standardID', content) as text[]) )(I haven't found a way how to cast to a text array and do a trim() at the same time).
You have to change certain values in file postgres.conf and restart the server.
File postgres.conf is located in: /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf
Diff of the changes I made is shown below:
$ diff /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/ /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf 276c276 < #log_destination = 'stderr'# Valid values are combinations of --- > log_destination = 'stderr'# Valid values are combinations of 282c282 < #logging_collector = off# Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog --- > logging_collector = on# Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog 288c288 < #log_directory = 'pg_log'# directory where log files are written, --- > log_directory = 'pg_log'# directory where log files are written, 290c290 < #log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'# log file name pattern, --- > log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'# log file name pattern, 398c398 < #log_statement = 'none'# none, ddl, mod, all --- > log_statement = 'all'# none, ddl, mod, allThe log directory (value log_directory) is located relative to the data directory of postgresql which is obtained as follows:
$ grep -i data /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf # option or PGDATA environment variable, represented here as ConfigDir. data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main'# use data in another directoryOnce the server is restarted, the SQL queries (DDL and/or DML depending on the settings) can be obtained with:
sudo -i tail -f /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_log/postgresql-2013-01-15_182646.log
select current_database(); select current_schema(); select current_user; select extract('epoch' from now()); select extract(epoch from now())::integer select extract('epoch' from current_timestamp); select now(); select current_timestamp;the last two are useful because they reveals the timezone.
pg_dump <database> -h 172.333.444.555 -p 5444 -U username -F p -E UTF8 -C -O -n %ltschema-name> -v -f dumpfile database-name
local all all trust host all all md5The rationale of local trust being to ensure that I can easily add scripts to create users without the hassle of entering passwords which is hard to do non-interactively. Remote accesses in a specified subnet use md5 authentication ofcourse.
And in file /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf, to enable remote access:
listen_addresses = '*'
listen_addresses = '*'
sudo-i cd /etc/postgresql/9.1/mainin pg_hba.conf add the following line:
host all all md5and in file postgresql.conf, change:
This can be used, e.g. to automate the creation of users by means of a script. Basically the following line has to be edited in the pg_hba.conf file:
local all all trustFor full reproducibility here's the full pg_hba.conf and the postgresql.conf configuration files. (the second doesn't play any part in this solution and is just provided for completeness purposes).
It's a two step process:
host all all md5
listen_addresses = '*'... to listen to all the network interfaces.
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Connect as an existing user to an existing database and run the "select version()" query, or from the command line:
psql -Uhr -d ab -c 'select version()'
… alternatively, if you don't know the passwords of any existing users but you have sudo privilleges, do:
sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c 'SELECT version()' | grep PostgreSQL