Java Web Architectures

History and fundamentals

JSP model 0

Everything is effectively based on Servlets. You can do everything by writing code that extends the HttpServlet class.

The first Java applications on the web (circa 2000) did just that: they subclassed HttpServlet and created all response content with println statements. This was awesome and worked except that the code was too complicated. But it was a heroic era. The Servlet did everything:

as it did the JDBC with the database
as it build the HTML with println statements
as it had the entire logic
Some people call the above (perhaps disparangingly) JSP model 0 (there's no JSP yet).

JSP model 1

In MVC model 1 people used JSP which is really a camouflaged HttpServlet (each JSP page is used to automatically generate and compile a Servlet) and you had Java Beans for the database access. So basically in this approach: This is depicted here and here.

It was a dark era because around that time some wicked people starting thinking about the abomination that became known as "Enterprise Java Beans".

JSP model 2

This pattern made more sense, you got your vanilla HttpServlet back which you kept for all of the control and you had JSP for the view and beans (ordinary Java Beans even though some perverts used EJBs) for the model. So this resulted in a very clear and nice separation of the MVC concerns.

This pattern is depicted here.

enter the frameworks …

There was nothing really wrong with JSP model 2 except people began arguing whether you should have a single controller servlet (a.k.a. the Front Controller) or whether each JSP page should have its own or any other approach in between. Around that time Struts appeared. Struts was a request-based framework (as they became known) that presented a single "front controller" HttpServlet that then dispathed to various "action" classes which the programmer provided. Spring MVC which is another request-based framework also implements the front controller pattern.

Sadly, also around the same time some unshaven people working in a rat-infested basement came up with idea of JSF and the so-called "component" frameworks.

component-based vs. request-based frameworks

The basic dichotomy is that between component-oriented frameworks and request-based (a.k.a. action based) frameworks. In a nutshell, component-based frameworks are high-level and evil and suck whereas request-based frameworks are lower-level, expose the HTTP requests and responses, allow you to retain full and fine-level control and smell nice. A more extended description is found here and here (the latter one discussing the new MVC coming with Java EE 8).

JSF, Wicket, Play, Tapestry
Spring MVC, Struts (both 1 and 2)

The following figure is also instructional:

Request-based frameworks generally make it clear through their APIs that they're working with parsing an HTML request / generating an HTML response, while Component-based frameworks attempt to abstract this away and treat the application as collections of components with renderers and actions to do things.

Request based framework is a web framework that gets user's request then determine what the system should do and give back the response back to the user. So the flow is pretty much linear. You're thinking in actions: what does user want (request) -> what user will get back (response). An example of Request based framework is Struts. The modern Grails is pretty much a Request based framework too.

Component based framework is not like that. There is actually no clear sense of the flow from front to back. An example of it is not JSF, because in some way JSF is pretty much quite the same with Struts (since the creator of Struts and JSF is the same). A good example of Component based framework Tapestry and Wicket. The paradigm in these two framework is different. You don't think in actions or request-response, but components and components. You define a component in your application, and you tell what the component does. But the flow does not have to be linear as in Request based framework.

some terminology definitions and useful stuff I've collected

  • JSF is a set of tags you can use with JSP.
  • JSF is a component based MVC framework which is built on top of the Servlet API and provides components via taglibs which can be used in JSP or any other Java based view technology such as Facelets. Facelets is much more suited to JSF than JSP.
  • A couple of the major players in JSF implementations are Apache MyFaces and Oracle Mojarra. An implementation of JSF simply implements the basic specifications for JSF. This is where most of the standard components are going to come from. This includes UI components like forms, tables, columns, messages and select items – the UI components that you would expect to see. This is in contrast to a component library, which is where the special features and combined components come in. Since JSF is the Java EE standard, it’s available through a lot of third-party component libraries including PrimeFaces, RichFaces, IceFaces, OpenFaces and Tomahawk.

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