This is from an email exchange I had on!forum/clojure (mail also available in my gmail account on 26.VIII.2012)

mperdikeas via 
1:36 PM (9 hours ago)

to clojure 
I am now using Emacs 24.1.1 in Ubuntu precise and have managed to install Clojure-mode. The next thing I want to do is to use lein repl as my Emacs REPL (currently I've set inferior-lisp-program to a custom bash script that simply does a java -jar clojure-1.4.0.jar). The reason I've resorted to this approach is that it is not clear to me how to control the Clojure version that lein repl is using. As a result, although I have downloaded clojure-1.4.0.jar and am using that in my custom bash script, lein reports a totally different Clojure, one that's different even from what /usr/bin/clojure is:

$ which clojure
$ /usr/bin/clojure
Clojure 1.1.0
$ lein repl
REPL started; server listening on localhost port 4840
user=> (clojure-version)
$ cat ./.emacs.d/clojure/ 
java -jar ~/.emacs.d/clojure/clojure-1.4.0.jar
$ ./.emacs.d/clojure/
Clojure 1.4.0

So it seems that I have three different Clojures currently available but I can't configure lein repl to use the latest one. I've read this SO discussion but it seems to cover the case where lein is invoked in a directory containing a project.clj file where the Clojure dependency can be set. However:

[1] I' ve experimented a bit with lein repl and found that I can invoke it in any arbitrary directory. So where does it get the project.clj file in those cases?
[2] In the .emacs file (according to this helpful article) one is supposed to do a:

    (progn ;; Inferior Lisp                                                                                                                                       
    (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook ;; copied from:                                                  
          (lambda ()
            (setq inferior-lisp-program "lein repl"))) 

Again, where would lein look for the project.clj file in the above case? And what if I just want to start writing Clojure in an Emacs buffer without having setup a lein project structure? From where would then lein repl get the Clojure version dependency in that case?

Nelson Morris
3:55 PM (6 hours ago)

to clojure 
On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 5:36 AM, mperdikeas  wrote:
> I am now using Emacs 24.1.1 in Ubuntu precise and have managed to install
> Clojure-mode. The next thing I want to do is to use lein repl as my Emacs
> REPL (currently I've set inferior-lisp-program to a custom bash script that
> simply does a java -jar clojure-1.4.0.jar). The reason I've resorted to this
> approach is that it is not clear to me how to control the Clojure version
> that lein repl is using. As a result, although I have downloaded
> clojure-1.4.0.jar and am using that in my custom bash script, lein reports a
> totally different Clojure, one that's different even from what
> /usr/bin/clojure is:

lein is distributed as a standalone jar, which means a version of
clojure and all other dependencies, is packaged with it.  In addition,
lein 1.7.1 is compiled against clojure 1.2.1, and would not be able to
bootstrap using a future version.

> So it seems that I have three different Clojures currently available but I
> can't configure lein repl to use the latest one. I've read this SO
> discussion but it seems to cover the case where lein is invoked in a
> directory containing a project.clj file where the Clojure dependency can be
> set. However:
> [1] I' ve experimented a bit with lein repl and found that I can invoke it
> in any arbitrary directory. So where does it get the project.clj file in
> those cases?
> [2] In the .emacs file (according to this helpful article) one is supposed
> to do a:
>     (progn ;; Inferior Lisp
>     (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook ;; copied from:
>           (lambda ()
>             (setq inferior-lisp-program "lein repl")))
> Again, where would lein look for the project.clj file in the above case? And
> ....
> From where would then lein repl get
> the Clojure version dependency in that case?

There are a set of tasks that do not read any information from the
project.clj, version, help, and such.  The repl task is allowed to run
outside a project, but comes with the limitation that the classpath
the repl uses will be the same as the classpath lein uses.  This means
for lein 1.7.1 it will use clojure 1.2.1, and for a recent lein
2.0.0-preview it will use clojure 1.4.0.

When running the repl from a project lein is able to get the
:dependencies desired, and use only those on the classpath.  This is
the way to use clojure 1.4.0 w/ lein 1.7.1.

> what if I just want to start writing Clojure in an Emacs buffer without
> having setup a lein project structure?

Then the limitations above apply.  I know some people when using lein
1.7.1 keep a project around with :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure
"1.4.0"]] and use it when doing quick repl interaction.

I'd also like to note that
nrepl.el[] and
swank-clojure[] are the
common ways to get emacs integration.

Phil Hagelberg via 
5:57 PM (4 hours ago)

to clojure 
It's impossible to do what you're asking, but you can still do what you want.

> This means for lein 1.7.1 it will use clojure 1.2.1, and for a recent
> lein 2.0.0-preview it will use clojure 1.4.0.

Upgrading to Leiningen 2.x is strongly encouraged and will get you
access to Clojure 1.4 anywhere. Using it via nrepl.el rather than
inferior-lisp will give you a much nicer experience.

blais via 
8:03 PM (2 hours ago)

to clojure 
Hi mperdikas.
I also like to have full control over my dependencies and versions, so I wrote a script that
- you give it a bunch of directories, and it automatically finds all the jars in them an resolves conflicts by selecting latest versions automatically
- prints the list of jars (explicitly saying what it does, which jars are included, that is a prerequisite IMO)
- starts a REPL with either swank or nrep or just a plain one
Another fun thing is that it's just a single Python script and so it starts fast,
and it does not fetch anything from the internet, so you won't run into problems working offline.
I sometimes run "lein deps" to fetch dependencies recursively, and from thereon I use streamlined.
For production you can save your jars in an svn repo or something, makes it easy to have a controlled deployment.
Anyway, I realize that's not the most common approach to running Clojure in this community, 
but I like to drive manual, so that's what I do, and it sound like you do too.
Find the script here:

greg r via 
9:08 PM (1 hour ago)

to clojure 
Hello, I am also using Leiningen in Ubuntu, and I feel your pain.
One thing I would suggest is to remove anything related to your tool chain which was installed by Ubuntu.
(except maybe emacs 24.x).
You clearly have Clojure installed via the usual Ubuntu Software Center or related mechanism.
Uninstall it!

I would skip directly to version 2 of Leiningen.
You will find that dependency jars get dropped into the hidden file ~/.m2/repository,
for example, when you use the "lein install" command that is where they go.

Get clojure mode via the emacs package manager.  Get the latest!
I got stuck on an old version which caused much confusion.  I still see version 1.7.1
in the list of packages, whereas I have installed version 1.11.5.  I believe this is
due to my .emacs file setting package archives for ELPA, gnu, and marmalade, and
some obsolete stuff still exists and hazardous to the newbie.

I don't have anything related to slime or swank or swank-clojure installed via the
emacs package manager.  However, I do have lein-swank listed in my ~/.lein/profile.clj

Another thing to uninstall are any version of slime and swank which were installed
via the "Ubuntu Software Center".  These caused lots of confusion.  This stuff may
also be hanging out in your ~/.emacs.d directory.

I installed version 24.x emacs manually.  I'm not familiar with Ubuntu Precise, but perhaps
that distribution is installing a usable version of emacs.  I had to install a few libraries
to get it all going, I think some X window related stuff using the Synaptic Package Manager.

M-x clojure-jack-in is the way to fire up a repl running in an emacs buffer.

I've got a working installation, it's easy to use and powerful, but if I said I could start from
scratch again and make it work in 5 minutes I would be a liar.  I think the best thing to do is a thorough
housecleaning, start from scratch with version 2 leiningen, emacs 24 and latest clojure-mode.

Good luck!  I'm test driving nrepl next.